How To Stop Worrying About Money: Experts Share 12 Secrets To Feeling Financial Peace

Woman with a hand on her heart to help her stop worrying about money

With everything from inflation to skyrocketing grocery prices to soaring interest rates to the instability of our larger financial institutions, we are all wondering how to stop worrying about money. Increasing costs of living or recent bank failures can trigger feelings of scarcity and cause us to catastrophize, Morra Aarons-Mele, author of The Anxious Achiever. … Read more

A blast of air up the nose can stop migraine pain: new study

CoolStat medical device

Health By Marc Lallanilla August 1, 2023 | 1:06pm An innovative new treatment might soon help millions of people worldwide who suffer from migraines. Researchers have used a device that delivers a stream of air to cool the nerves at the back of the nose, providing relief from migraine pain sometimes within minutes. The medical … Read more

How To Stop Your Stomach From Growling And Avoid Embarrassing Situations


One of the most embarrassing situations is experiencing a sudden, loud stomach growl at the most inconvenient times. Whether it happens during a crucial meeting, a quiet yoga class, or a romantic dinner, that rumbling sound can leave us feeling flustered and hoping that no one heard it. However, deep down, we know someone probably … Read more