How To Stop Worrying About Money: Experts Share 12 Secrets To Feeling Financial Peace

With everything from inflation to skyrocketing grocery prices to soaring interest rates to the instability of our larger financial institutions, we are all wondering how to stop worrying about money.

Increasing costs of living or recent bank failures can trigger feelings of scarcity and cause us to catastrophize, Morra Aarons-Mele, author of The Anxious Achiever. While this isnt a new worry, it has become more intense over the last few years. Its no wonder that a study published by Capital One found that more than 77% of Americans are worried about finances.

Though the topsy turvy economy has us all feeling uncertain about the future, one thing is for sure: Psychologists and financial experts say that easing your anxiety and growing more confident over money matters is easier than you may think.

Here, experts share 12 proven ways to boost your financial confidence and your bottom line.

1. Acknowledge the fear

Its so important to acknowledge your fears as they arise, says Moira Somers, PhD, author of Advice That Sticks, a psychologist, family wealth consultant and executive coach. When we dont have answers, worries spin and spin until we feel like were spinning.

To regain equilibrium, tell yourself, I cant know whats going to happen and I am feeling afraid. But all I need to know is right here: My family is safe, and Im okay. This calms you, bringing you back to the moment.

2. Turn money stress into self-kindness

When you find yourself in a stress spiral about money, the key is to shift from negativity to self-compassion. When you think, What if I cant save enough for retirement? for example, try to focus on a more positive thought, says Christine Luken, who is the author of Money is Emotional,Manage Money Like a Boss and Financial Dignity After Divorce, the founder of the Financial Dignity Movement and a certified financial counselor.

You might say, to yourself I work hard, Im saving money where I can, and it will be okay. Self-kindness curbs defeatist thoughts that keep us paralyzed in fear, so we can learn how to stop worrying about money and move forward.

3. Let bigger hands support you

One of the greatest challenges of the current financial climate is that so much, from inflation to soaring gas prices, is out of our control, notes Luken. Its freeing to simply focus on what you can control and give the rest up to a higher power, she says.

I say to myself, Im going to take care of tracking my spending, and the rest is Gods responsibility, because the worlds woes need bigger hands than mine. As soon as you remind yourself that youre in charge of your personal economy, not the worlds economy, youll instantly feel less overwhelmed and more in control.

4. Redefine financial success

Achieving your financial goals means being flush with cash and never making a money misstep, right? Not at all, according to expert Maria Nemeth, PhD, author of The Energy of Money, and a leading expert in leadership excellence, personal/professional development and financial empowerment, whose work has been featured on The Oprah Show.

Financial success is doing what you say youre going to do with grace, clarity, focus and ease, Nemeth declares, recalling the inspiring story of a client who cleaned houses and wanted to start investing. She decided to clean one extra house a month for $50 to build her savings the minute she made that decision, before she earned a cent, she was being financially successful because she was being intentional, explains Nemeth.

By the end of the year, the woman was able to stop worrying about money, save $600 and soon went back to school to become a virtual assistant. Today she has three employees, all because she took one small, sweet step at a time.

5. Tap true abundance

Its hard to be our best and impossible to be resilient in the absence of positivity we can quickly start doubting ourselves and our capacity to recover from challenges, declares Somers, explaining that when were triggered into seeing scarcity, thats all we can see, and we dont notice our blessings.

When anxiety about money washes over you, look for evidence of other kinds of abundance such as the fact that youre healthy or you have a strong support network and can pick up the phone and call a good friend.

Tapping into gratitude, she promises, opens up our field of vision, allowing us to access higher thinking. For example, can use this time to learn new skills from free online tutorials or pinpoint items you can sell for extra cash? Once you make the mental shift toward abundance, youll be able to look at things more objectively and creatively, and problem-solve. (For help in making the mental/emotional/spiritual shift toward gratitude, click through to this simple gratitude practices.)

Woman with a hand on her heart to help her stop worrying about money

And while it may seem counterintuitive, one of the fastest ways to escape the grip of financial fear is to give to othersbe it your time or talents. It instantly redirects focus and boosts hope.

6. Savor your wins

At the end of each day, jot down three things youre thankful forand include one thing that involves your relationship with money, urges Nemeth.

That could include anything from being able to pay a bill to scoring a great deal. When we focus on gratitude, our narrative around money changes from one of dread to one of dreams.

7. Pick your safe container

To boost our financial confidence, we first have to know where our money is going but facing our bills is easier said than done. Most people with money worries will avoid looking at their accounts, says expert Amanda Clayman, LCSW, is a psychotherapist and coach specializing in financial wellness for SheKnows media.

Her secret to how to stop worrying about money is what she calls a safe container strategy, which simply means scheduling a specific time to look at your finances, thereby safely containing your anxiety.

Big blue freight container as a metaphor of where to put your money worries

For example, I check in with my accounts every two weeks, and put it on the calendar as Amanda loves money, she says with a laugh. I have a client who schedules her check-ins as Grumpy accounting to bring a little humor to itas soon as we acknowledge our emotions around money, we create grace for ourselves that leads to success.

8. Focus on small changes

Most people think theres an on and off switch when it comes to changing financial habits and how to stop worrying about money, but the truth is incremental shifts help you achieve your goals so much faster, says Clayman.

For example, rather than say, Im not going to do any online shopping this month, you might tell yourself, Im not going to shop online at night, because thats when you tend to overspend, she advises. We dont have to overhaul our entire financial lifewere more successful when we pinpoint small, realistic changes.

9. Remember you are resilient

Our relationship with money has its ups and downs, and when were experiencing a financial ebb, it feels like the sky is falling. But the clouds will part, promises Clayman. Were incredibly flexible creatures, and research proves that one year after a major change to our finances, our level of life satisfaction returns to where it was before the upheaval.

And that goes for positive as well as negative experiences: If you won the lottery, a year from now, your level of contentment would be where it was pre-jackpot, and by the same token, if you had filed for bankruptcy, in one year, you will have bounced back. Youre more resilient than you give yourself credit for, and just remembering that is key to success in ways to stop worrying about money and beating stress in life.

A woman looking resilient in the face of money worries

10. Focus on the big picture

When looking ahead to your financial horizon, to stop worrying about money go ahead and skip the planning part, says Clayman. The word plan requires a high degree of certainty, and that can make us feel like we need to work on something until we have a solutionits very overwhelming, she explains.

Instead, think about your goals in terms of having a broader framework. Make a date to look at money issues a few minutes a week, with a clear start and end-time, just to gather information and ask yourself questions like, How much do I have? Do I want to make any modifications to my debts?

This provides a wider, 360 picture, making you feel more grounded and oriented, so that you can come up not just with one option, but several, whether thats changing credit cards or deferring loans. A big-picture mindset you see how one financial shift can affect the others, giving you a greater sense of control.

A wide-angle view of a landscape as a metaphor for how to consider money in your life

11. Connect with loved ones

One of the best predictors of getting through financial stress is social support, reveals Somers. When hardships hit, women disproportionately deal with the fallout, from contacting creditors to creating the budget, and the anxiety we feel often makes us shut down, she says.

But this when its even more important to open up and have conversations with those whose financial destinies are connected to yours. This may mean telling your spouse, I just want to make sure were rowing in the same direction, and talking about how you can help each other meet goals.

Or, if youre among the millions of parents supporting adult children, even if that means tapping into your own retirement savings, just lead with honesty, she suggests: Things have changed and the level of support we used to be able to provide isnt possible anymore. These are difficult conversations, but they take a weight off you, so youre not shouldering the burden alone, and you and your loved ones will emerge from these discussions with mutual respect.

12. Look for new opportunities

Having counseled folks through major financial crises, including in the wake of hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, Clayman always sees one silver lining: People create meaning from these events big shifts help us see new ways of solving problems.

Whether being furloughed has made you realize theres a new path you want to pursue or youd like to turn a hobby into a sideline, be aware of what speaks to your heart, and listen to those whispers.

More expert tips on taming stress & anxiety:

Expert Advice: How Do I Stop Worrying?

Tough Day? A Dramatic Sigh Could Be the Stress Reliever Youre Looking For

Stressed? Experts Share 4 Natural Ways To Feel Calm and Worry-Free in Minutes

For money saving tips:

Financial Experts Say Prices Drop on These Days (for Gas, Groceries, Electronics, and More)

Save Major Money at the Mall by Making 5 Changes to the Way You Shop

This article originally appeared on our sister site, Womans World.

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