How to Advocate Effectively for Loved Ones Harmed by Psychiatric Drugs

The judge ordered me to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. Id only been an attorney for just under five years and now a judge was ordering me to be tested. The legal brouhaha Id managed to get myself in isnt important, but the reason the judge ordered the psych eval is: I had had the temerity … Read more

Childhood trauma plays significant role in obesity among mental health patients, new research suggests

The Conversation

People with a serious mental illness (SMI), like schizophrenia, often experience obesity. And in the UK, such people are almost twice as likely to be obese compared to those without a diagnosis. People with SMI also have a greater risk of having other obesity related illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease … Read more

‘Hard To Find a Therapist Who Gets It’: Young Muslims Speak Up on Mental Health

<div class="paragraphs"><p>"I had never been in therapy before, so when I decided to seek help, it wasn't easy. I had to find someone who would get my context, without judgement."</p></div>

“What if I was seeing a psychologist who thought that this was a non-issue to have a panic attack over?” Updated: 08 Aug 2023, 01:19 PM IST “I had never been in therapy before, so when I decided to seek help, it wasn’t easy. I had to find someone who would get my context, without … Read more

How To Stop Worrying About Money: Experts Share 12 Secrets To Feeling Financial Peace

Woman with a hand on her heart to help her stop worrying about money

With everything from inflation to skyrocketing grocery prices to soaring interest rates to the instability of our larger financial institutions, we are all wondering how to stop worrying about money. Increasing costs of living or recent bank failures can trigger feelings of scarcity and cause us to catastrophize, Morra Aarons-Mele, author of The Anxious Achiever. … Read more

What is social jet lag?: Late-night screen time sparks teen psych problems

teenager in bed staring at computer

Mental Health By Marc Lallanilla August 7, 2023 | 12:24pm If a teenager is wrestling with emotional issues, maybe theyre suffering from social jet lag. Social jet lag is the difference between our bodys natural sleep needs (or chronotype) and the time that social tasks including social media keep us awake. Health experts have now … Read more

Jerk Boss Denies Teen A Day Off After Her Best Friend Died, So She Maliciously Complies

Jerk Boss Denies Teen A Day Off After Her Best Friend Died, So She Maliciously Complies

Every now and then, bosses get the chance to do the right thing, to remind their employees that they matter to the business, and taking advantage of this opportunity can significantly contribute to building a positive company culture and retaining talent. But some are so ridiculously stubborn, they can’t even recognize these moments. In a … Read more

A CT mom faced barriers getting mental health care for her son. Then this walk-in clinic opened.

Hartford's first Urgent Crisis Center opened last week at The Village for Families and Children on Capitol Avenue, providing walk-in mental and behavioral health services for children in crisis. Taylor Hartz/Hartford Courant.

When Tenesha Oates 12-year-old son experienced a behavioral episode at his middle school, staff at the school called an ambulance that rushed him to a crowded emergency room. They spent more than 10 hours there, only to be sent home without any action plan to help her son. Each time her son had a crisis, … Read more

Stanford Researchers Discover New Subtype of Depression

Neurons Brain Activity X ray

Stanford Medicine researchers have identified a new type of depression, the cognitive biotype, accounting for 27% of patients whose symptoms are not effectively managed by typical antidepressants. The cognitive biotype exhibits impaired cognitive functions, such as planning and self-control, and reduced activity in specific brain areas, suggesting the need for more targeted treatments. Researchers, utilizing … Read more

Debunking Myths: Depression, Anxiety, and Cancer Risk

Cancer Risk Concept Art

Depression and anxiety are not significantly linked to higher cancer risks for most types, according to a multinational study. While a slight increase in risk was observed for lung and smoking-related cancers among those with depression or anxiety, this was largely mitigated by adjustments for lifestyle factors. Recent research indicates that depression and anxiety do … Read more