USDA Shares Hemp Farm Success Story, Touting Agency’s Resources To Aid CBD Producers

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is sharing the success story of an Indiana-based hemp farm, touting how the agency offered financial and technical assistance to help the business to maximize its output of high-quality CBD oil. While hemp was treated the same as marijuana under federal law for decades, the crop was federally legalized … Read more

She Shared Her Ozempic Horror Story. TikTok Users Tried to Silence Her

The injectable drug Ozempic is shown Saturday, July 1, 2023, in Houston. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

AP Photo/David J. Phillip A mental health professional and a single mom, Kimberly Carew knows how to ask for help. So when she told her endocrinologist that she was experiencing some pretty painful side effects after starting an Ozempic prescription, she was surprised when none of her doctors had any idea what was causing her … Read more