New Data Reveal the Full Extent of STAR*D Failure

Psychiatrists tout the STAR*D trial as strong evidence for the use of antidepressant drugs. It was a real-world study of over 4,000 people with depression who were able to receive up to four different trials of antidepressant drugs. The STAR*D researchers reported that over the course of the study, more than two-thirds of the patients … Read more

First six months of the states mental health overhaul reveal promise and challenges – The Boston Globe

A new employee orientation class was held at  Clinical and Support Options in Northampton, one of the Community Behavioral Health Centers established under the state's overhaul of mental health services.

In so doing Lynn metaphorically walked through the states new front door to mental health care and experienced its potential and its pitfalls. The Help Line 833-773-BHHL is a key aspect of a broader overhaul of mental health services in Massachusetts launched on Jan. 1 by the Department of Health and Human Services. Providers and … Read more