Primary Care Vision Testing Rates Associated with Health Insurance Status

Primary Care Vision Testing Rates Associated with Health Insurance Status

Olivia J. Killeen, MD Credit: LinkedIn An analysis of the 2018 to 2020 National Survey of Childrens Health (NSCH) study indicates primary care vision testing rates were low in children with notable differences by insurance status.1 Recommendations cite the need for yearly vision testing for children aged 3 to 5 years; however, the analysis suggests … Read more

Maryland planning next five years of reinsurance program in effort to keep consumers’ rates lower – Maryland Matters

Maryland planning next five years of reinsurance program in effort to keep consumers' rates lower - Maryland Matters

Getty Images photo. Maryland state officials and health insurers are reviewing how to run and fund a program that aims to keep individual health insurance premiums low. The state-operated reinsurance program a special fund through which insurers are reimbursed for a portion of the costs of patients requiring the most expensive care was recently reapproved … Read more