10 Best Protein Powders for Weight Loss in 2023

Orgain Protein

People often associate protein powders with muscle gain. However, they can also assist people with weight loss by helping them feel full for longer. Having enough protein can help boost metabolism, reduce appetite, and lose fat without losing muscle. This all contributes to weight management. Below, we list some of the best protein powders for … Read more

What are the healthiest beans? Protein, fiber-filled options to try.

Aside from being a good source of protein and fiber, black beans may have anti-inflammatory properties.

Black, pinto, kidney, lima, mung the bean aisle at the grocery store has something for everyone. There are even beans that dont sound like beans, like black-eyed peas and no, were not talking about the I Gotta Feeling group. Americas favorite bean is pinto beans, according to the U.S. Dry Beans Council, often used to … Read more

The bug diet? Insect protein may slow weight gain, promote better health

The yellow mealworm species Tenebrio molitor.

URBANA, Ill. —Are insects the sustainable protein source of the future? The prospect of chowing down on crickets and mealworms for dinner may still repulse millions of Westerners, but new research suggests the health benefits may be undeniable. Scientists at the University of Illinois report replacing traditional protein sources with mealworms in high-fat diets may … Read more

Should You Worry About Heavy Metals in Protein Powders?

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Adding protein powder to a postrun smoothie is a simple way to boost your intake of this important macronutrient. After all, protein is essential for repairing and building muscle, improving bone strength, and it plays a role in numerous body functions. And many runners struggle to consume enough protein to support their needs, which makes … Read more