BurstIQ and EY Team Up to Support Colorado’s Medicaid Enterprise Solutions (CMES) Modernization

BurstIQ and EY Team Up to Support Colorado's Medicaid Enterprise Solutions (CMES) Modernization

ENGLEWOOD, Colo., Aug. 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — BurstIQ and its system integrator partner Ernst & Young LLP (EY US) have been selected by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) to support Colorado’s Medicaid Enterprise Solutions (CMES) modernization. Under the multi-year contract, BurstIQ and EY will implement an Enterprise Solutions Integration (ESI) … Read more

Idaho might have broken rules in Medicaid unwinding, federal regulators warn – Idaho Capital Sun

People protest in favor of Medicaid coverage

Idaho officials say that a letter from federal regulators that says Idaho may have broken federal rules in how the state removed people from Medicaid this spring doesnt paint a full picture. Idahos 51% procedural disenrollment rate was the second highest in the country, just behind Texas, at 52%. Thats according to the Idaho Capital … Read more

Biden’s Medicaid cuts would hurt America’s most vulnerable patients

Democratic members of theTexasand Florida congressional delegations have urged the Biden administration to reverse course on proposed Medicaid rules.

It’s never fun to stand up to a president in your own party. However, its often necessary to prevent your side from making mistakes they will come to regret. And Democratic leadership is now badly needed to help save the Biden administration from committing an egregious blunder that would harm millions of vulnerable Americans who … Read more