Oncologist kills 4-month-old baby, then dies by suicide. Postpartum psychosis was a likely factor. An expert explains.

What causes ppostpartum psychosis?

What causes postpartum psychosis and what are the signs to look out for? (Getty Images) Police say a renowned oncologist and her 4-month-old baby are dead after an apparent murder-suicide. Postpartum psychosis may have been a factor. Dr. Krystal Cascetta, a physician at Mount Sinai Hospital, reportedly fatally shot her newborn daughter in their Somers, … Read more

Parents of teens with mental health issues need their own support, too. It’s about ‘putting on your own air mask first,’ expert says.

Illustration by Victoria Ellis for Yahoo ; Photo: Getty Images

Parental anxieties “can be felt and transferred and even exacerbate what the teen can be feeling,” says one expert, stressing the importance of parents trying therapy, too. (Illustration by Victoria Ellis for Yahoo; Photo: Getty Images) When teens face mental-health crises which they do at alarming rates, according to study after study parents bear much … Read more

Expert Gives Delta-8 THC Thumbs Down | Project CBD

Expert Gives Delta-8 THC Thumbs Down | Project CBD

Dr. Mark A. Scialdone, a recognized expert in the field of organic chemistry who specializes in natural product chemistry, is an inventor of 37 issued US patents and the author of 17 peer-reviewed articles in science publications. From 1994 to 2013, he was employed as a principal investigator at DuPont Central Research and Development. Dr. … Read more

Do bee pollen supplements support boob growth? Expert says maybe

Influencer Ivey Cross

Women’s Health By Adriana Diaz July 26, 2023 | 4:51pm The beauty buffs are buzzing. Adult women on TikTok are claiming that bee pollen supplements have made their breasts grow but experts are dubious. Influencer Ivey Cross went viral with more than 1.3 million views on TikTok after she claimed that she noticed her bra … Read more