Thousands of Black Californians Have Lost Their Health Insurance. Dont Lose Yours.

By McKenzie Jackson | California Black Media (CBM) – Five percent of the 225,231 Californians who lost their Medi-Cal coverage in June were African American. According to numbers from the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), around 14,000 Black Californians lost health insurance with the states safety net health care exchange because they didnt … Read more

Ask Amy: Handy overnights dont go over well

Ask Amy: Handy overnights dont go over well

In this article: Mother discovers sons girlfriends discomfort with family visits, seeks advice. A woman with MS worries about attending a hot outdoor wedding reception. Correction regarding terminology related to avoiding the Vietnam War draft. Dear Amy: My 26-year-old son has been dating a girl for more than two years. We all get along really … Read more

What we know and don’t know about the FDA-approved postpartum depression pill

What we know  and don't know  about the FDA-approved postpartum depression pill

Postpartum depression affects up to 1 in 7 women. The first pill to treat it is expected to become available later this year, after the FDA approved it on Friday. Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Getty Images Postpartum depression affects up to 1 in 7 women. The first pill to treat it is expected … Read more

School meals are healthier today — but many still don’t meet U.S. nutrition standards

school lunch

MEDFORD, Mass. — Today’s school lunches are actually much healthier than what older generations had to eat decades ago. Even so, recent data reveals that as many as one in four U.S. lunches still have poor nutritional quality. What can be done? Scientists at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University … Read more

PFAA Survey Shows Athletes, Coaches, Agents Dont Support Athletes Cuts at the CrossFit Games

PFAA Survey Shows Athletes, Coaches, Agents Dont Support Athletes Cuts at the CrossFit Games

Photo Credit: Instagram @fikowski Enjoying Morning Chalk Up? Access additional exclusive interviews, analyses, and stories with an Rx membership. Following this years Semifinals, the PFAA (Professional Fitness Athletes Association) conducted a survey with athletes, coaches and agents addressing various topicslargely around safety and standards at CrossFit competitionsin hopes of garnering support from CrossFit HQ to … Read more

Most plant-based milks don’t deliver the same amount of nutrients as cow’s milk, says new study

Plant based milk vs. cow's milk

A new study found that very few plant-based milks have similar nutritional values as cow’s milk. (Illustration: Victoria Ellis for Yahoo; Photo: Getty Images) Plant-based milks have exploded in popularity in the past few years, giving shoppers plenty of options at the grocery store. But although they have taken over entire sections of many dairy … Read more

Dairy dominates? Plant-based alternatives dont measure up to nutrition of cows milk

Almond milk

MINNEAPOLIS —More and more people are trying plant-based milk alternatives (oats, soy, almonds) in recent years, but do these alternatives really offer the same nutritional value as cows milk? Taste may be a different story, but researchers in Minnesota suggest that very few measure up to cow’s milk when it comes to nutrition. Cows milk … Read more