Could long-term injections replace daily pills that treat chronic illnesses?

Dr Bharat Pankhania, a senior consultant on communicable disease control and senior clinical lecturer at the University of Exeter in the UK. (image to go with Daniel BArdsley story)

For all the money and effort that goes into developing drugs, they can be rendered ineffective if they are not taken properly. Rates of non-adherence, which may involve skipping doses or taking them at the wrong time, can be around 50 per cent among patients prescribed medication for chronic illnesses. It is a key reason … Read more

Daily Low-Dose Aspirin Does Not Significantly Reduce Risk of Stroke, Can Cause Intracranial Bleeding

Daily Low-Dose Aspirin Does Not Significantly Reduce Risk of Stroke, Can Cause Intracranial Bleeding

A secondary analysis of the Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE) trial found a significant increase in intracranial bleeding in those who take daily low-dose aspirin with no significant reduction of ischemic stroke, according to a new publication in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Image credit: – The ASPREE … Read more