A CT mom faced barriers getting mental health care for her son. Then this walk-in clinic opened.

Hartford's first Urgent Crisis Center opened last week at The Village for Families and Children on Capitol Avenue, providing walk-in mental and behavioral health services for children in crisis. Taylor Hartz/Hartford Courant.

When Tenesha Oates 12-year-old son experienced a behavioral episode at his middle school, staff at the school called an ambulance that rushed him to a crowded emergency room. They spent more than 10 hours there, only to be sent home without any action plan to help her son. Each time her son had a crisis, … Read more

The immunomodulatory and antiviral function of vitamin D

Study: Immunomodulatory Effects of Vitamin D in Respiratory Tract Infections and COVID-19 in Children. Image Credit: YuliaFurman/Shutterstock.com

Recently, scientists reviewed the available literature to better understand vitamin D’s immunomodulatory and antiviral function. The study explores how vitamin D influences the pediatric respiratory system after acute respiratory tract infections (ARTI), such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is the causal agent of the ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This review … Read more

Driving Our Children into Suicide with Escitalopram and Other Happy Pills

In May 2023, FDAs package insert for Lexapro (escitalopram) was updated. The drug can be used for depression in children from 12 years of age, but for generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), the age group was lowered to only 7 years. It appears from the package insert that only one trial, by Strawn et al., provided … Read more

A last resort: Families turn to private contractors to help children lost to the street

Sherry Hill holds a photograph of herself as a new mom holding her one-month old daughter in 1970, at home near Fresno.

Sherry Hill had lost track of her daughter, which wasnt a surprise. She lived on the street and was so caught up in cycles of mental illness and addiction that she didnt care that she could have a better life. The younger womans father had died two years ago and left her with more than … Read more

MIND diet linked with better focus in school-aged children: Study

mind diet

A recent study suggests that a diet created to help prevent cognitive decline in adults may also increase attention in preadolescents. The findings may benefit future nutritional programmes aiming to enhance childrens cognition. The latest research studied two dietary patternsthe heart-healthy Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet, which combines the Mediterranean diet with the … Read more

These parents fought to legalize CBD in Utah a decade ago. Did it help their epileptic children?


They dont get together much, these moms and dads whose desperate search for something anything that would provide relief to their children with severe forms of epilepsy set them on a course that changed Utah. The doctor-prescribed medications and special diets didnt seem to do anything to control the dozens, even hundreds, of often violent … Read more