California Progressive Caucus hosts Health Care for All forum to discuss single-payer bills – State of Reform

California Progressive Caucus hosts Health Care for All forum to discuss single-payer bills - State of Reform

Californias Progressive Caucus recently hosted the Healthcare is a Human Right forum to discuss Assembly Bill 1690 and Senate Bill 770, which if passed, would advance the effort to establish universal healthcare coverage in the state. Irene Kao, executive director of Courage California, highlighted SB 770, a unified healthcare financing bill. The bill builds on … Read more

Millions struggle to pay AC bills in heat waves. Federal aid reaches only a fraction

Bobbie Boyd talks about this summer's heat in her apartment which she shares with her 15-year-old grandson Jeremiah Williams Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2023, in Fayetteville, Ark. On a fixed income, Boyd sacrifices meals, health care, and car insurance among other necessities to pay rent and keep cool in the midst of this summer's prolonged heat waves. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

DENVER (AP) Bobbie Boyd is in a losing battle against near triple-digit temperatures in northwest Arkansas. Her window air conditioner runs nonstop and the ballooning electric bill carves about $240 out of her $882-a-month fixed income. So the 57-year-old cuts other necessities. Boyd eats one meal a day so her 15-year-old grandson, who shes raising … Read more

Conscience bills let medical providers opt out of providing a wide range of care

Kaiser Health News

A new Montana law will provide sweeping legal protections to health care practitioners who refuse to prescribe marijuana or participate in procedures and treatments such as abortion, medically assisted death, gender-affirming care, or others that run afoul of their ethical, moral, or religious beliefs or principles. The law, which goes into effect in October, will … Read more