Limit insurer profits to improve health care | Arizona Capitol Times

health care, network claims, Affordable Care Act

The United States spends a lot on health care. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), total U.S. health care spending reached $4.3 trillion in 2021. What are we getting for our money? If you look at life expectancy at birth, not very much when compared to other wealthy nations. Life expectancy … Read more

Millions struggle to pay AC bills in heat waves. Federal aid reaches only a fraction

Bobbie Boyd talks about this summer's heat in her apartment which she shares with her 15-year-old grandson Jeremiah Williams Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2023, in Fayetteville, Ark. On a fixed income, Boyd sacrifices meals, health care, and car insurance among other necessities to pay rent and keep cool in the midst of this summer's prolonged heat waves. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

DENVER (AP) Bobbie Boyd is in a losing battle against near triple-digit temperatures in northwest Arkansas. Her window air conditioner runs nonstop and the ballooning electric bill carves about $240 out of her $882-a-month fixed income. So the 57-year-old cuts other necessities. Boyd eats one meal a day so her 15-year-old grandson, who shes raising … Read more