FemFit Redding inspires young athletes to build muscle and strength

Former Enterprise girls basketball and volleyball player Mikilah Speer remembered going through the high school athletics circuit in the mid-2000s.

She recalled how difficult it was to find a viable option to lift and the narratives that existed about women who lifted weights.

“I always tell the girls that when I was in high school, I was told the weight room was made for the football team and for boys,” Speer said.

FemFith Redding founder and coach Mikilah Speer teaches a lifting technique to U-Prep senior outside hitter Amiah Cornejo during an early morning workout on Tuesday, July 25, 2023.

These negative attitudes towards muscular-toned women inspired Speer to build FemFit Redding. The gym is designed specifically for young athletes and women looking to improve their fitness through weight training.

Speer built FemFit Redding in 2020 during the outset of the coronavirus after she noticed female fitness members in Redding were struggling to find times to lift.

#FemFit #Redding #inspires #young #athletes #build #muscle #strength
Image Source : www.redding.com

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